Monday, July 7, 2008

Eleven months and into everything

Well, our baby was eleven months a week ago. She's not walking yet, but is into everything, including the pictures of that :) The other day I had to call poison control b/c she was eating my mascara. They assured me all was well. I'm afraid we're in for many bumps, bruises, and catastrophes. We've had several over the last week or so. When we got back from our trip, I guess we forgot to buckle Anna Kate's highchair onto the kitchen chair. Maddie was trying to climb the chair while Anna Kate was eating. She pulled Anna Kate, chair and all, face first onto the floor. I think I was more traumatized even than Anna Kate was. She's also had fingers squished in the bathroom door, etc. She sure is a cutey though, laughing all the time. She'll find anything to climb, as you can see.

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